Starting now, it’s candy season. But while a lot of candy is consumed on and around the time of Halloween, actually, Halloween day only accounts for about 4 percent of candy consumption in the United States.
As a mom and a registered dietitian, I truly don’t have a problem with the occasional candy bar, soda or sweet. From my perspective the primary issue is the overabundance, accessibility and availability of candy and sweets.
If you are a parent, you can relate: At the doctor’s office, there is the lollipop for after shots; at the bank there is a lollipop just because; at the gas station, drug store and grocery store, there is candy right at eye level to grab your attention. There is now candy for every holiday, at the office there are candy dishes, at the dry cleaner there are mint or candy dishes, and then there is candy for the winter holidays, Valentine’s Day, and the list goes on.
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