Article Highlight: The 13 Best Vegan Products from Aldi's

Just ask registered dietitians who make ALDI a regular shopping destination for vegan meats, whole-grain sides, pantry staples, crave-worthy snacks, and decadent (but healthy) desserts.

We asked plenty of top RDs for their must-have vegan foods from ALDI.

And we’re thankful for their answers, because their picks will make mealtime easier, snack time simpler—and are chockfull of nutrients to help you live healthier.

Click here for the full article from Plant Based with Amy.

Highlight: How to Build a Better Cup of Coffee via My Fitness Pal

If you’re like the majority of Americans, you’re pouring yourself a cup (or three!) of coffee every day. Overall, a little java jolt does your body good — research shows the habit is associated with better blood sugar regulation, a healthier heart, a sharper brain and even a longer life.

At the same time, the mug can become a vessel for an overload of cream and sugar — and if you’re at a coffee shop — fancy syrups, whipped cream, and chocolate shavings, too — all in a supersized cup.

“Even 50 extra calories per day over the course of a year is about five pounds worth of calories,” says Molly Morgan, a registered dietician. That’s why knowing some tricks for building a better cup pays off. Sometimes, you can even keep the cream.

Click here for the full article via MyFitness Pal.

Segment: Make Delicious Meals with Powerful Pairings

Molly shared delicious meal ideas in a segment with Kanas City Spotlight.

September is National Family Meals Month and Registered Dietitian Molly Morgan joined us to share that Powerful pairings like pork, sorghum and pulses are perfect to help families stay strong with family meals. Powerful Pairings combining pork, pulses and sorghum are inspiring ways to supply critical nutrients that support (among others) weight management, immune function, muscle development, and bone health including protein, fiber, B vitamins, zinc, iron, potassium, selenium, and folate.

Click here to view the segment.

Article: A Little Jolt: Caffeine’s risks for kids and teens

Caffeine (Image source: Family Times)

Caffeine (Image source: Family Times)

Molly authored, A Little Jolt: Caffeine’s risks for kids and teens

Caffeine is the most commonly consumed stimulant in the world. It’s found in soda, energy drinks, coffee, tea, and chocolate, among other foods and drinks.

Most caffeine intake by children and teens is through soda, coffee and tea, though energy drinks are becoming increasingly popular. About 73 percent of children consume some amount of caffeine on a given day. Studies also find that today children are drinking twice as much soda as they did 20 years ago, averaging 20 fluid ounces per day.

Grab the full article via Family Times, click here.

Segment: Powerful Pairings

Molly shared powerful pairing tips and a recipe idea with foods you combine on your plate with Kansas City Spotlight. Click here to view the segment!

This National Nutrition Month, make the most of your diet by combining ingredients to maximize nutrition and flavor. Registered Dietitian Molly Morgan recommends Powerful Pairings which combine pork, pulses and sorghum. They work great together in meals or snacks and add taste, nutrition and versatility to your diet. For recipes and more visit

Article: Better Choices: How about a resolution to eat vegetables and other nutritious foods?

Click here for the full article via Family Times magazine.

As you welcome the New Year, consider ditching the diet and instead focusing on changes you can stick with and sustain—with the key word being sustain! It is possible to meet your healthy eating goals without deprivation.

You can set an example for your children with balanced behavior around food, being (or becoming) active, making healthy choices, and having a positive attitude about body weight.

In raising two little boys in this diet-crazy world and in maintaining my own weight, I have adopted two concepts that bring me clarity: 1) Food is fuel, and 2) It’s all about balance.

Article: Hand to Mouth - How to help babies start to sample solid food

When you first start introducing your baby to solid foods, it can be overwhelming to figure out what is best. I have gone through the process with our two little boys and will provide guidelines along with tips and suggestions based on firsthand experience.

Every child is different and you may need to adjust your approach from baby to baby (and remember that during the first six months, exclusive breastfeeding is recommended – with continued breastfeeding until at least the baby’s first birthday long as that’s what you and your baby want).

When a baby is about 6 months old, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends introducing him or her to solid foods. The goal during the initial phase is to have your baby get to sample foods that are rich in nutrients and varied in textures. As your baby is ready, you can encourage her to start drinking from a cup and using baby spoons and her fingers to feed herself.

Click here for the full article via Family Times!

Article: Smoothie Moves

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When your kids are poking around the kitchen, point them to the produce drawer of the fridge and the blender. With a bit of supervision, they can mix fresh fruits and vegetables into delicious smoothies. Smoothies can be nutrient rich—with a combination of fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, fiber and probiotics. But if you’re not paying attention, a smoothie can become a sugar bomb. Here are some strategies for making delicious and nutritious smoothies.


The best part about making smoothies is that there are seemingly endless combinations of flavors and textures. While there isn’t a right or wrong combination of what to add to a smoothie, it comes down to three basic components: the liquid, the flavor, and the add-ins. As a mom, I love how smoothies are a great way to add a boost of important nutrients; I especially like to focus on adding probiotics to smoothies.

Click here for the full article from Family Times.

Article: via Bicycling Magazine: Canned Food Guide


Molly Morgan weighs in with Bicycling Magazine on canned foods.

Canned food can seem much less enticing than fresh options, but during this new reality, many of us are rethinking our shopping habits. A new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that 75 percent of people surveyed said they had stockpiled food in response to COVID-19. And data compiled by Nielson found that sales of many shelf-stable items have skyrocketed in recent times.

Click here for the full article.

Article: Understanding Soy

Image Source: Getty Images

Image Source: Getty Images

Check out this article Molly Morgan wrote via Family Times Magazine on Understanding Soy:

What delivers quality protein, omega-3 fats, omega-6 fats, potassium, magnesium, iron and B-vitamins? It’s soy, a nutrient-rich legume (also called edamame) that is consumed around the globe. Today, it has expanded from just a soy bean or tofu into a wide collection of foods, including soy milk, soy sauce, tempeh, veggie burgers, soy protein powder and more

For the full article, click here.

Article: Nutrition in No Time: Are you always on the go? These tips will help you stay on track.

Image Source: Getty Images

Image Source: Getty Images

Grab tips from Molly Morgan’s article, Nutrition in No Time: Are you always on the go? These tips will help you stay on track via Family Times.

Short on time? Busy schedule? No time to cook? If you can’t figure out what to make for dinner, these tips and tricks can help you to stick to your food and nutrition goals – even with the craziest of schedules.


Eating healthier doesn’t happen by accident. Taking the time to have a food plan for the week for you and your family can make all the difference. Start by mapping out the week ahead and ask yourself a series of questions: What should we have for breakfast? What will we need to pack for lunches? What nights will we be at home for dinner? What nights will we have time to cook?

For the full article, click here.

Article: Prep Work: Keep your family’s food safe this summer

Image Source: Getty Images

Image Source: Getty Images

Keep your family’s food safe this summer!

You may think keeping food safe isn’t that big of a deal, yet food-borne illness is responsible for more than 3,000 deaths per year in the United States, and one in six Americans will get sick from food poisoning this year. Taking the proper steps to prepare and store food can minimize your risk and keep you and your family safe.

Written by Molly Morgan via Family Times, click here for the full article.

Article: A Little Jolt: Caffeine’s risks for kids and teens


Caffeine is the most commonly consumed stimulant in the world. It’s found in soda, energy drinks, coffee, tea, and chocolate, among other foods and drinks.

Most caffeine intake by children and teens is through soda, coffee and tea, though energy drinks are becoming increasingly popular. About 73 percent of children consume some amount of caffeine on a given day. Studies also find that today children are drinking twice as much soda as they did 20 years ago, averaging 20 fluid ounces per day.

For the full article, written by Molly Morgan via Family Times, click here.

News: Starting Nutrition Planning for the Upcoming Seasons


Molly Morgan and Creative Nutrition Solutions is announcing the start of their 14th season with the Ottawa Senators organization and her 3rd season working with the Binghamton University Men's Basketball team. 

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Morgan looks forward to the upcoming seasons to continue to build upon the sports nutrition foundation knowledge and routines of the athletes.

Additionally she will be working with individual players to maximize their performance with custom nutrition plans. 

Molly Shares Tips with Fuel For Fire

Molly is continuously trying new products! One of her latest picks are Fuel for Fire pouches. These pouches are great thanks to their portability plus their nutrition benefits including that they are fruit and vegetable-based plus paired with quality protein. Pictured here is one of Molly's favorite flavors: Tropical Smoothie. 

Check out some of her tips on the Fuel for Fire website: and check out more about this product on the Fuel2Win blog

Note: Product samples were provided but this post is not an advertisement.