
Article: Hand to Mouth - How to help babies start to sample solid food

When you first start introducing your baby to solid foods, it can be overwhelming to figure out what is best. I have gone through the process with our two little boys and will provide guidelines along with tips and suggestions based on firsthand experience.

Every child is different and you may need to adjust your approach from baby to baby (and remember that during the first six months, exclusive breastfeeding is recommended – with continued breastfeeding until at least the baby’s first birthday long as that’s what you and your baby want).

When a baby is about 6 months old, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends introducing him or her to solid foods. The goal during the initial phase is to have your baby get to sample foods that are rich in nutrients and varied in textures. As your baby is ready, you can encourage her to start drinking from a cup and using baby spoons and her fingers to feed herself.

Click here for the full article via Family Times!

Article: Understanding Soy

Image Source: Getty Images

Image Source: Getty Images

Check out this article Molly Morgan wrote via Family Times Magazine on Understanding Soy:

What delivers quality protein, omega-3 fats, omega-6 fats, potassium, magnesium, iron and B-vitamins? It’s soy, a nutrient-rich legume (also called edamame) that is consumed around the globe. Today, it has expanded from just a soy bean or tofu into a wide collection of foods, including soy milk, soy sauce, tempeh, veggie burgers, soy protein powder and more

For the full article, click here.

News: Starting Nutrition Planning for the Upcoming Seasons


Molly Morgan and Creative Nutrition Solutions is announcing the start of their 14th season with the Ottawa Senators organization and her 3rd season working with the Binghamton University Men's Basketball team. 

ottawa sens.png

Morgan looks forward to the upcoming seasons to continue to build upon the sports nutrition foundation knowledge and routines of the athletes.

Additionally she will be working with individual players to maximize their performance with custom nutrition plans. 

Molly Shares Tips with Fuel For Fire

Molly is continuously trying new products! One of her latest picks are Fuel for Fire pouches. These pouches are great thanks to their portability plus their nutrition benefits including that they are fruit and vegetable-based plus paired with quality protein. Pictured here is one of Molly's favorite flavors: Tropical Smoothie. 

Check out some of her tips on the Fuel for Fire website: https://www.fuelforfire.com/blogs/blog/fuel-2-win-product-review and check out more about this product on the Fuel2Win blog

Note: Product samples were provided but this post is not an advertisement. 

Announcement: Fuel2Win Sports Nutrition Project


The owner of Creative Nutrition Solutions, Molly Morgan, RD, CDN, CSSD is excited to announce her newest project: Fuel2Win! 

Molly is combining her years of experience in working with pro athlete in the Ottawa Senators organization and collegiate athletes with the Binghamton University Division 1 Men's Basketball team into this new resource. 

The focus of Fuel2Win is to deliver evidence-based sports nutrition information and resources to parents, athletes, and coaches; including: handouts, recipes, recipes, Q & A's with pro athletes, product recommendations, and more! 

One feature of the site is great handouts that are loaded with great ideas and practical sports nutrition tips.  Pictured here is a sample of one of the many handouts that is available on the site. With the project launch the handouts are free, visit the Fuel2win handout shop to download PDF's of these handouts today. 

Visit: www.Fuel2Win.com for more details! 

Sickening Food with Family Times

Molly write an article for the Family Times February edition titled, Sickening Food. 

Many people suffer with diseases and issues related to food, including: food intolerances, food allergies, irritable bowel syndrome (or IBS) and celiac disease. While the symptoms can seem similar, the underlying cause of the reaction and discomfort in the body can be very different. The causes can range from an intolerance to an immune response or even an autoimmune disorder.

Click here for the full article. 

Mindful Merrymaking with Family Times

Looking for healthier holiday tips, ideas, and recipes? Check out Molly's article in the Family Times! 

The holiday season is filled with traditions, fun memories, and lots of food and drinks. Then right around the corner is the New Year, along with resolutions, which are often tied to eating healthier and losing weight. The good news is that there is no need to give up all of your holiday favorites. Rather than depriving yourself, use these tips to adjust your menu, stay mindful, and get active throughout the holiday season.

Click here for the full article.