
Article Highlight: The 13 Best Vegan Products from Aldi's

Just ask registered dietitians who make ALDI a regular shopping destination for vegan meats, whole-grain sides, pantry staples, crave-worthy snacks, and decadent (but healthy) desserts.

We asked plenty of top RDs for their must-have vegan foods from ALDI.

And we’re thankful for their answers, because their picks will make mealtime easier, snack time simpler—and are chockfull of nutrients to help you live healthier.

Click here for the full article from Plant Based with Amy.

Article: Prep Work: Keep your family’s food safe this summer

Image Source: Getty Images

Image Source: Getty Images

Keep your family’s food safe this summer!

You may think keeping food safe isn’t that big of a deal, yet food-borne illness is responsible for more than 3,000 deaths per year in the United States, and one in six Americans will get sick from food poisoning this year. Taking the proper steps to prepare and store food can minimize your risk and keep you and your family safe.

Written by Molly Morgan via Family Times, click here for the full article.

Mindful Merrymaking with Family Times

Looking for healthier holiday tips, ideas, and recipes? Check out Molly's article in the Family Times! 

The holiday season is filled with traditions, fun memories, and lots of food and drinks. Then right around the corner is the New Year, along with resolutions, which are often tied to eating healthier and losing weight. The good news is that there is no need to give up all of your holiday favorites. Rather than depriving yourself, use these tips to adjust your menu, stay mindful, and get active throughout the holiday season.

Click here for the full article.