Announcement: Fuel2Win Sports Nutrition Project


The owner of Creative Nutrition Solutions, Molly Morgan, RD, CDN, CSSD is excited to announce her newest project: Fuel2Win! 

Molly is combining her years of experience in working with pro athlete in the Ottawa Senators organization and collegiate athletes with the Binghamton University Division 1 Men's Basketball team into this new resource. 

The focus of Fuel2Win is to deliver evidence-based sports nutrition information and resources to parents, athletes, and coaches; including: handouts, recipes, recipes, Q & A's with pro athletes, product recommendations, and more! 

One feature of the site is great handouts that are loaded with great ideas and practical sports nutrition tips.  Pictured here is a sample of one of the many handouts that is available on the site. With the project launch the handouts are free, visit the Fuel2win handout shop to download PDF's of these handouts today. 

Visit: for more details! 

Sickening Food with Family Times

Molly write an article for the Family Times February edition titled, Sickening Food. 

Many people suffer with diseases and issues related to food, including: food intolerances, food allergies, irritable bowel syndrome (or IBS) and celiac disease. While the symptoms can seem similar, the underlying cause of the reaction and discomfort in the body can be very different. The causes can range from an intolerance to an immune response or even an autoimmune disorder.

Click here for the full article. 

What is the Super Metabolism Diet?


"It isn't so much that the foods alone will improve your metabolism, but a combination of the foods and the 'super-smart strategies' and elimination of lifestyle supervillains will definitely boost metabolism, coupled with maximizing your daily water intake and being more active," said Molly Morgan, RD, CDN, CSSD, owner of Creative Nutrition Solutions and founder of Fuel2Win.

Click here to read the whole article from Pop Sugar. 

Mindful Merrymaking with Family Times

Looking for healthier holiday tips, ideas, and recipes? Check out Molly's article in the Family Times! 

The holiday season is filled with traditions, fun memories, and lots of food and drinks. Then right around the corner is the New Year, along with resolutions, which are often tied to eating healthier and losing weight. The good news is that there is no need to give up all of your holiday favorites. Rather than depriving yourself, use these tips to adjust your menu, stay mindful, and get active throughout the holiday season.

Click here for the full article. 

9 R.D.- Approved Veggies Burgers via SELF

With veggie burgers, it’s hard not to have low expectations. I’m not even a vegetarian, but I’ve been burned by dry, crumbly, stale-tasting patties so many times that I can’t imagine how annoying it must be for actual vegetarians. There are handful of homemade versions out there that taste good and are nutritionally similar to actual meat, but some are a little bit complicated to make, and even the easier ones take some time. This isn't always a bad thing, but it's not ideal when you’re in the midst of a major burger craving that needs to be satisfied ASAP.

Check out the link below for the full article and for Molly's veggie burger pick:


Candy, Candy Everywhere via Family Times

Starting now, it’s candy season. But while a lot of candy is consumed on and around the time of Halloween, actually, Halloween day only accounts for about 4 percent of candy consumption in the United States.

As a mom and a registered dietitian, I truly don’t have a problem with the occasional candy bar, soda or sweet. From my perspective the primary issue is the overabundance, accessibility and availability of candy and sweets.

If you are a parent, you can relate: At the doctor’s office, there is the lollipop for after shots; at the bank there is a lollipop just because; at the gas station, drug store and grocery store, there is candy right at eye level to grab your attention. There is now candy for every holiday, at the office there are candy dishes, at the dry cleaner there are mint or candy dishes, and then there is candy for the winter holidays, Valentine’s Day, and the list goes on.

Click here for the full article!

Eating Healthy on a Budget via Bustle

Eating healthy on a budget can happen! Check out some of Molly's tip in this article from

"Eating meatless meals can save money on the grocery bill, plus they can help your health too," says Molly Morgan, RD, CDN, CSSD over email. "Try egg-based dishes, grain-and-veggie-based dishes, vegetable stir fry, etc." If you need more ideas, you can check out for recipe ideas.

For the full article visit

Best Cooking Gadgets for Weight Loss via

"I use both a large 11-cup food processor and a smaller 7-cup food processor. I especially like the food processor for making creamy and smooth hummus, for quickly whipping together energy bites with grains and dates, and for instantly grating vegetables that I'll add to soups, sauces, and more.I also have a 1-cup food processor that is perfect for small, quick jobs like chopping nuts for a recipe or a yogurt topping!"

—Molly Morgan, R.D., C.D.N., C.S.S.D., owner of Creative Nutrition Solutions

via, click here for the full article