
Segment: Make Delicious Meals with Powerful Pairings

Molly shared delicious meal ideas in a segment with Kanas City Spotlight.

September is National Family Meals Month and Registered Dietitian Molly Morgan joined us to share that Powerful pairings like pork, sorghum and pulses are perfect to help families stay strong with family meals. Powerful Pairings combining pork, pulses and sorghum are inspiring ways to supply critical nutrients that support (among others) weight management, immune function, muscle development, and bone health including protein, fiber, B vitamins, zinc, iron, potassium, selenium, and folate.

Click here to view the segment.

Segment: Powerful Pairings

Molly shared powerful pairing tips and a recipe idea with foods you combine on your plate with Kansas City Spotlight. Click here to view the segment!

This National Nutrition Month, make the most of your diet by combining ingredients to maximize nutrition and flavor. Registered Dietitian Molly Morgan recommends Powerful Pairings which combine pork, pulses and sorghum. They work great together in meals or snacks and add taste, nutrition and versatility to your diet. For recipes and more visit www.PowerfulPairings.com